Been A While!
I really wanted to give my comic time to "marinate" before making new posts since I was so proud of it. Having never made a comic before and then cranking one out as soon as I had the idea within a week was a surprising achievement for me. But now that I'm done riding the coattails of that success, it's onto new projects.

Seemingly without warning I've started learning how to Sculpt in Blender. It's something I was waiting to learn and tackle given that I don't consider myself an "intermediate" Blender user as of yet, but. It looked really fun, and I'm just trying to lean into the fun of things for now. I'm making good progress and I'm also not following the course exactly as it was made, since I want my final result to look a little different. A little less organically shaped than the course's Moai looks.
I'm also slowly learning how to rig, but that's a very slow process for me right now. There's so much to keep in mind that it makes my head spin a little. We'll see where I end up landing with that in the coming days.
Well, just a little update post for y'all! See you in the next one.